UCR Department of Art Covid-19 Site-Specific Protection Plan for Open Studios and Art 285
The Site-Specific Protection Plan (SSPP) is a list of solutions for open labs access, and limit and manage risks associated with Covid-19 as we transition back to campus. The SSPP was created by Department staff to provide their specialized knowledge of the facilities operations, student needs, and a recognition and anticipation of the time and labor involved in following current State, Cal/OSHA, and CDC Covid-19 guidelines. The SSPP contains a proposed guideline for the MFA studios, Painting/Drawing Lab, Sculpture Lab, and the Photography Lab. Stage 3 is anticipating the return of undergraduate students returning to campus with limited facilities access.
SSPP Contents
Proposed Guidelines- pages 1-2
MFA Studios – list specific recommendations for Art 285 – pages 2-3
Painting/Drawing Lab – lists specific recommendations for Open labs for Art 1, Art 2, Art 32, Art 110, Art 132, and Art 162 – pages 3-5
Sculpture Lab – lists specific recommendations for Open labs for Art 5, Art 32, Art 115, Art 132, and Art 162- pages 5-6
Photography Lab – lists specific recommendations for Open labs for Art 3, Art 10, Art 32, Art 131, Art 132, and Art 162 pages 6-7
Proposed Guidelines
Following State of California guidelines ( https://covid19.ca.gov/industry-guidance/ ) before reopening, the Department of Art will:
1. Perform a detailed risk assessment and implement a site-specific protection planhttps://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019-ncov%2Fsymptoms-testing%2Findex.html
2. Train employees (Art/Art History Admin staff, Art department student workers, Art Department teaching assistants, and student lab techs; if instructors want to be in the open studios, they would be trained) on how to limit the spread of COVID-19, including how to screen themselves for symptoms and stay home if they have them. Documentation of training will be kept. Training to be provided by Supervisor or Environmental Health & Safety. The need for retraining will be determined by Supervisor or Environmental Health & Safety.
3. Train employees (Art/Art History Admin staff, Art Department teaching assistants, lecturers, faculty) on procedures of how to appropriately refer students to necessary student health services if students are presenting symptoms of COVID-19. Documentation of training will be kept. Training to be provided by Supervisor or Environmental Health & Safety. The need for retraining will be determined by Supervisor or Environmental Health & Safety.
4. Implement individual control measures and screenings (see https://covid19.ca.gov/pdf/guidance-office-workspaces.pdf)
5. Implement disinfecting protocols (see https://covid19.ca.gov/pdf/guidance-office-workspaces.pdf)
6. Implement physical distancing guidelines (see https://covid19.ca.gov/pdf/guidance-office-workspaces.pdf)
7. Post the site-specific protection plan in Art mailroom, individual labs, MFA studios.
8. All employees and students on-site must wear a face covering and practice physical distancing until Stay at Home order is lifted.
9. Department will provide PPE for all employees: face coverings and nitrile gloves. https://www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/EmployerInformation.htm
10. Department will post signage regarding requirements of face masks, hand washing, # of occupants in elevator.
11. Department will provide temperature and/or symptom screenings for all workers at the beginning of their shift, and for any students, or other workers entering the labs and MFA studios. Make sure the temperature/symptom screener avoids close contact with workers to the extent possible. Both screeners and employees should wear face coverings for the screening. Supervisor or employee in charge of an area is responsible for screenings and documentation.
12. Department will provide time for workers to implement cleaning practices during their shift. Cleaning assignments should be assigned during working hours as part of the employee’s job duties.
13. Department must ensure that sanitary facilities (labs and MFA studios) stay operational and stocked at all times and provide additional soap, paper towels, and hand sanitizer.
14. Department will provide disinfectant products approved by the EPA https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/list-n-disinfectants-use-against-sars-cov-2 including wipes and sprays. Disinfectant products will be kept in the following areas: 043, 045, 048, 148, 149, 150, 153, 323, 402, 403, 405, MFA Studio Lobby, and MFA Studio restrooms.
15. Department will provide disinfecting of and install plastic coverings for fabric furniture provided in communal spaces: MFA Studios Lobby, office spaces,150, 403.
16. The California Department of Public Health’s Higher Education Guidance on Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 will be used.
MFA Studios – 1111 E. Citrus, # 3, Riverside
Stage 3 – staff, faculty, graduate students return to campus/studios with limited facilities access
- Art 285, Peer Critique
- Department will post signage regarding requirements of face masks for occupants, handwashing, # of occupants in studio spaces, etc.
- Graduate Crit Room is 1078 sq. ft. and can accommodate 29 people with the 6’ physical distancing requirement. At maximum 12 people will be in the room for Art 285.
All MFA students will be provided training on Topics for Training (see
https://covid19.ca.gov/pdf/guidance-office-workspaces.pdf) Documentation of training will be kept. Training to be provided by Graduate Faculty Advisor or Environmental Health & Safety. The need for retraining will be determined by the Supervisor or Environmental Health & Safety.
Studio Manager will be given training on disinfecting protocols (with specific items to disinfect), strategies for facilitating physical distancing, and when/how to request disinfectant supplies. Training will be provided by their Supervisor or Environmental Health & Safety. The need for retraining will be determined by the Supervisor or Environmental Health & Safety. Documentation of training will be kept. Department will reassess job duties to determine if the amount of labor requires that position be increased from 10% FTE to a higher percentage.
Studio Manager will be supplied with a checklist and schedule for disinfecting studio shared spaces. Supervisor will review the checklist weekly.
Install hand sanitizer dispenser at Studio Lobby
Department will provide disinfectant products approved by the EPA
Department will provide disinfecting of and install plastic coverings for fabric furniture provided in communal spaces: MFA Studio Lobby. Lobby furniture will be partitioned off to ensure 6’ of physical distancing. Studio kitchen to be cleared of items and closed.
Painting/Drawing Lab
Stage 3 – undergraduate students return to campus with limited facilities access
- Art 1, Beginning Drawing
- Art 2, Beginning Painting
- Art 110, Intermediate Painting
- Art 32, Art Studio One
- Art 132, Art Studio Two
- Art 162, Special Topics in New Genres of Art
- 402 (1244.12 sq. ft.)- 6 stations set up with easel/stool/table
- 403 (177.64 sq. ft.) – 1 person (only staff, TA, or student lab tech in prop room)
- 405 (1089.65 sq. ft.) – 6 stations set up with drafting table/chair
- Assistant, Student Lab Tech, or another department employee must be present to monitor students during lab times to ensure that students disinfect their workspace before leaving.
- Lab Supervisor will provide training to Student Lab Techs on how to limit the spread of COVID-19, including how to screen themselves for symptoms and stay home if they have them. Documentation of training will be kept. The need for retraining will be determined by Lab Supervisor.
- Student Lab Techs will be given training on daily disinfecting protocols (with specific items to disinfect), strategies for facilitating physical distancing, and when/how to request disinfectant supplies. Training will be provided by Lab Supervisor or Environmental Health & Safety. The need for retraining will be determined by the Supervisor or Environmental Health & Safety. Documentation of training will be kept.
- Student Lab Techs will be supplied with a daily checklist and schedule for disinfecting studio shared spaces. Lab Supervisor will review the checklist weekly.
- Student Lab Techs will be provided with individual yellow safety vests, as opposed to sharing one, a face covering, and nitrile gloves. Student Lab Techs will place their vest in a bin at the end of their shift and Lab Supervisor will launder vests once a week.
- Open Labs will be organized with a https://chassintranet.ucr.edu/frs/app/ system to allow students to sign up to use a specific classroom/workstation/equipment for a specified duration of time. A Teaching Assistant, Student Lab Tech, or another department employee must be present to monitor students during lab times to ensure that students disinfect their workspace before leaving.
- Shared/communal materials will be removed from individual classrooms and placed in
403. Students can request the use of materials from Student Lab Tech.
Install hand sanitizer dispenser in the following locations: 402, 403, and 405.
Lab Supervisor will be responsible for organizing the cleaning and disinfecting of facilities (tools, equipment, furniture, etc.) with disinfecting supplies provided by the Department. This will be documented with a schedule.
Classroom furniture (drafting tables, easels, stools, chairs) will be either
removed/temporarily stored or partitioned off to ensure 6’ of physical distancing in 402 and 405
Tables in classrooms will be covered with plastic to make disinfecting more efficient-402 and 405.
Department will provide disinfectant products approved by the EPA
- All Teaching Assistants and Lecturers who will work on-site will be provided training on Topics for Training (see https://covid19.ca.gov/pdf/guidance-office-workspaces.pdf) Documentation of training will be kept. Training to be provided by their Supervisor or Environmental Health & Safety. The need for retraining will be determined by Supervisor or Environmental Health & Safety.
- Department will post signage regarding requirements of face masks for occupants, handwashing, # of occupants in studio spaces, etc.
- Department will provide disinfecting of and install plastic coverings for fabric furniture provided in communal spaces: 403.
- Scrap materials will not be kept through duration of Covid-19 pandemic.
- Department will provide large bins to collect used items that need to be disinfected (still life objects, safety eyewear, etc) to be placed in: 402, 403, and 405.
- Painting/Drawing Lab will continue to provide the following standard PPE to students: safety eyewear (for use while using hand tools), one-time-use earplugs, nitrile gloves, masks (for use with spray paints and sanding gesso).
- Students and employees must wear face-covering as long as it is currently mandated by state, or county, or UCR.
- Students and employees must wear nitrile gloves while using hazardous and/or carcinogenic materials.
Sculpture Lab
Stage 3 – undergraduate students return to campus with limited facilities access
- Art 5, Beginning Sculpture
- Art 32, Art Studio One
- Art 115, Intermediate Sculpture
- Art 132, Art Studio Two
- Art 162, Special Topics in New Genres of Art Practice
- 150 Woodshop (1296 sq. ft.)- 4 stations set up with work table/stool
- 148 CNC Room (168 sq. ft.) – 1 person
- 149 Tool Room (168 sq. ft.) – 1 person (Student Worker on shift)
- 153 Classroom (360 sq. ft.) – 1 station set up with work table/stool
- Yard- (792 sq ft.)- 1 person for metalworking area, 1 person for open yard space
- A teaching Assistant, Student Lab Tech, or another department employee must be present to monitor students during open lab times to ensure that students disinfect their workspace before leaving.
- Open Labs will be organized with a https://chassintranet.ucr.edu/frs/app/ system to allow students to sign up to use a specific classroom/workstation/equipment for a specified duration of time. A Teaching Assistant, Student Lab Tech, or another department employee must be present to monitor students during lab times to ensure that students disinfect their workspace and used tools/equipment before leaving.
- Lab Supervisor will provide training to Student Lab Techs on how to limit the spread of COVID-19, including how to screen themselves for symptoms and stay home if they have them. Documentation of training will be kept. The need for retraining will be determined by Lab Supervisor.
- Student Lab Techs will be given training on daily disinfecting protocols (with specific items to disinfect), strategies for facilitating physical distancing, and when/how to request disinfectant supplies. Training will be provided by Lab Supervisor or Environmental Health & Safety. The need for retraining will be determined by the Supervisor or Environmental Health & Safety. Documentation of training will be kept.
- Student Lab Techs will be supplied with a daily checklist and schedule for disinfecting studio shared spaces. Lab Supervisor will review the checklist weekly.
- Student Lab Techs will be provided with individual yellow safety vests, as opposed to sharing one, a face covering, and nitrile gloves. Student Lab Techs will place their vest in a bin at the end of their shift and Lab Supervisor will launder vests once a week.
- Open Labs will be organized with a https://chassintranet.ucr.edu/frs/app/ system to allow students to sign up to use a specific classroom/workstation/equipment for a specified duration of time. A Teaching Assistant, Student Lab Tech, or another department employee must be present to monitor students during lab times to ensure that students disinfect their workspace and used tools/equipment before leaving.
- Maximum Occupancies
- 150 Woodshop (1296 sq. ft.)- 4 stations set up with work table/stool
- 148 CNC Room (168 sq. ft.) – 1 person (Staff, TA, or student lab tech only)
- 149 Tool Room (168 sq. ft.) – 1 person (Staff, TA, or student lab tech only)
- 153 Classroom (360 sq. ft.) – 1 station set up with work table/stool
- Yard- (792 sq ft.)- 1 person for metalworking area, 1 person for open yard space
- Shared/communal materials will be removed from individual classrooms and placed in 149. Students can request the use of materials from Student Lab Tech.
- Students will be required to purchase their own protective hand coverings or protective clothing (welding requires welding gloves fire-resistant clothing) for hot works operations as shared gloves/clothes/shoes cannot be provided for the duration of Covid-19 pandemic.
- Instructors and Faculty will make any operation that requires students to purchase their own PPE to be optional, not mandatory, for the class/projects.
- The use of large wastewater buckets for cleaning clay and plaster buckets will be discontinued for the duration of Covid-19 pandemic. Students will use individual buckets.
- Consumable hardware, adhesives, and abrasives will be stocked in 149. Students can request items and Student Lab Techs can dispense them.
- Students will continue to have access to lockers and storage spaces and must use their scheduled times via https://chassintranet.ucr.edu/frs/app/ to access them.
Photography Lab
Stage 3 – undergraduate students return to campus with limited facilities access
- Art 3, Introduction to Photographic Processes
- Art 10, Introduction to Video and Time-Based Experimentation
- Art 32, Art Studio One
- Art 131, Intermediate Photography and Digital Technology
- Art 132, Art Studio Two
- Art 162, Special Topics of New Genres of Art Practices
- 043 (310 sq. ft.) – Only 1 staff, TA, or student lab tech allowed.
- 045 (1085 sq. ft.) – 26 people at 6 ft social distance (32 sq. ft per person) Typically one or two students book the room, in order to use the room as a shooting gallery.
- 048 (700 sq. ft.) – 7 people maximum. 4 computer stations setup with printers and scanners. 6 ft social distance line to the cage.
- 323 – (696 sq. ft.) 4 workstations. Maximum 4 people
- Staff, teaching assistant, or student lab tech, must be present to monitor students during lab times to ensure that students disinfect their workspace before leaving.
- Reservations should still be made when students want to use any of the spaces through CHASS Reservation system https://chassintranet.ucr.edu/frs/app/
- Lab Supervisor will provide training to Student Lab Techs on how to limit the spread of COVID-19, including how to screen themselves for symptoms and stay home if they have them. Documentation of training will be kept. The need for retraining will be determined by the Lab Supervisor.
- Student Lab Techs will be given training on daily disinfecting protocols (with specific items to disinfect), strategies for facilitating physical distancing, and when/how to request disinfectant supplies. Training will be provided by Lab Supervisor or Environmental Health & Safety. The need for retraining will be determined by the Supervisor or Environmental Health & Safety. Documentation of training will be kept.
- Student Lab Techs will be supplied with a daily checklist and schedule for disinfecting studio shared spaces. Lab Supervisor will review the checklist weekly.
- Camera/Equipment Checkout (Art 3 and 10, possibly Art 32, 132, or 162)
- Students can line up with a 6ft social distance. Maximum 7 students in 048
- All equipment that is checked out/returned will be required to be sanitized. This will necessitate cleaning products to be constantly on hand. Antibacterial wipes, hand sanitizer, and antibacterial fabric spray
- A table should be set up so that students can individually unpack and sanitize their equipment before returning. This table should also include Antibacterial wipes, hand sanitizer, and antibacterial fabric spray
- All equipment should be isolated for 24 hours after being wiped down and returned.
- Shared/communal materials will be removed from individual classrooms and placed in 043 and 323. Students can request the use of materials from Supervisor or Student Lab Techs.
- Instructors and Faculty will make any operation that requires students to purchase their own PPE to be optional, not mandatory for the class/projects.
- Consumables such as (blue tape, ink, brown paper, shared inkjet paper) will be stocked in 043, 323. Students may request items from Supervisor or Student Lab Techs to disperse them.