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About UC Riverside Art Department


Honorarium Form
Submit this form to request the payment of an honorarium to a visiting speaker. A copy of the event flyer/public announcement and a W-9 for the guest is required.

W-9 Form
This federal tax form must be completed and signed by the visiting speaker, and attached to the honorarium request.


Entertainment Reimbursement Form
Submit this form to request reimbursement for any meal or food-related purchases associated with an official event. Receipts and a list of all participants names and academic affiliation are required (entertainment supplemental guest list form).

Entertainment Supplemental Guest List Form
Use this supplemental form for the guest list.

General Reimbursement Form
Use this form to request reimbursement of supplies/books/software/computer peripherals, etc. (Any non-food requests.) Original receipts required.

Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement
Original receipts required.

Guest Travel Expense Reimbursement
Original receipts required.

Declaration of Missing Evidence (DME)
Complete this form when original receipts are missing, incomplete, or illegible. If a receipt is not itemized or there is no method of payment on a receipt, the DME form must be completed.


Purchase Request Forms

Business Information Form
If you have planning to contract out work, this form must be completed and approval must be given BEFORE any work may be done.

Employing Student Request Form